Allowing Pets In Your Vacation Rental: Yes or No?

Allowing Pets In Your Vacation Rental: Yes or No?

allowing pets in your vacation rental

Allowing pets in your vacation rental or not really is just a matter of preference. The big listing sites are telling us that we need to be pet-friendly to increase our bookings. We all love our pets, the problem is trusting someone else’s pets.

Most pet owners consider pets a part of the family, and there aren’t many pet friendly VRBO / Airbnb listings. That translates to more bookings for the ones that do offer it. 😉

It seems the world is getting more and more pet friendly, I mean they just started a pet airline called Bark Airlines! You might as well get on the band wagon, otherwise before long, you’ll be the odd man out. 🙂

We’ve personally been all over the map with this topic over the years. We started off resisting it for years, and ours (and I’m sure most people’s) two big sticking points with allowing pets in your vacation rental are:

  1. it increases your changes of property damage
  2. it increases the chance of a bad review if all the dog hair isn’t cleaned up

If you’re on the fence about allowing pets in your STR, I think it’s a safe bet that your reason is in that short list above.

We felt the same way! Here’s a bit of our “allowing pets in STRs” story, which started very anti-pet.

Why We’re Allowing Pets In Our Airbnb

Our VRBO account manager was telling us for years that we should accept pets and that was a hard line in the sand for us. We felt it was way too risky to let someone bring their pets. After all we don’t know how good they are as pet owners, are they going to damage furniture, is there going to be pee everywhere? Basically, when the topic was brought up we had the worst possible images flash through our heads. lol

So for years we did not allow pets and in our minds, that was never going to change…. until 2020 came along. Our bookings were sparse and the VRBO account manager told us there was a huge increase in guests booking with pets.

We were much more receptive to it at that time because our bookings weren’t doing very well – so we decided to allow pets.

And OMG! Our bookings increased dramatically! 3/4 of our bookings had pets! It was pretty amazing, and the guests with the pets were fantastic guests! We felt like we really missed out on a ton of bookings because we weren’t willing to give allowing pets a shot.

Today, the percentage of our bookings with pets has gone down quite a bit, but it’s still a pretty high percentage. Right now about 25% of our bookings have pets.

Of course, just like we need to screen our guests, we also have to filter and be decerning with pets.

In this post we’ll go over what our process is for accepting pets and how we filter them. Keep in mind everyone has a different comfort level, so adjust everything below to what makes you comfortable. 🙂



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Before Allowing Pets In Your Vacation Rental – Your Need Good Cleaners

Before you think about accepting pets in your short term rental, your cleaners need to be top notch. Accepting pets means more dirt and possibly dog hair, if your cleaners aren’t able to get your house spotless currently before you allow pets  – then you have to first address that a problem.

The goal here is two fold, increase your bookings, while at the same time increasing the number of positive reviews. If you think there’s a chance your cleaners can’t handle it you’ll need to address it with them, and get new cleaners if they can’t handle it.

allowing pets in your vacation rental - Cleaners Will Make Or Break Your Airbnb Business

Bad reviews are the kryptonite to successful STR businesses – do whatever you can to steer clear of them. If you don’t feel confident that your house will be clean after you host a guest with a pet don’t risk a bad review.

That being said, it is well worth the effort to find a good cleaner, who would give you that sense of confidence and start accepting pets.

We wrote a post a while back with things to look out for with your cleaners, check out this post here,  Cleaners Will Make Or Break Your Airbnb Business.

A Quick Note: Service Animals Are Not Pets

Service animals can not be turned away and you cannot charge an extra fee for them. Service animals are animals that perform a job (think along the lines of seeing-eye dog). You have to allow service animals, that’s a federal law.

Now, there are a lot of people out there that try to call their emotional support animal a service animal but the two are very different. Emotional support animals still fall into the pet category, with the exception of New York and California, where I think you have to make an accommodation for emotional support animals.

The link below has more details on this but in general, if the dog’s mere presence provides comfort, it isn’t a service animal under the ADA.

However, if the dog is trained to perform a task related to a person’s disability, it is a service animal under the ADA.

This link has great info on the questions you can ask:

What Pet Limits Should You Set

Yes, we do allow pets in our Airbnbs, but we set limits on what pets we accept. We’ll go over what we accept here but you should adjust it to whatever makes you feel more comfortable.

We Only Accept Dogs

The word pets is pretty open ended. It makes sense to set a boundary somewhere.

Would you accept a pet pony in your Airbnb? How about a pet mountain lion? LOL I don’t think so!

It’s important to figure out where your line in the sand is. We decided that the only pet we accept is a dog, and 99.999% of the time the pet guests want to bring is a dog. We’ve had people ask if they can bring their cats, and we even had another person ask if they can bring their parrots! Hard no. lol

We figured dogs was a good first step. We definitely can not accept cats, if a cat has an accident in the house it is game over! It is hard as heck to get rid of that smell, and we can not take that chance.

allowing pets in your airbnb - Decide What pets to allow

How Many Pets Is Too Many Pets To Allow In An Airbnb?

We limit the number of pets to two.  We have had people ask if they can bring 6 dogs to our vacation rental – 6 dogs! That is way too many dogs for us. We’d be stressing out the entire time, worrying about what they’re doing to our short term rental. LOL

We display the 2 pet limit on the listing and people will always inquire if you would accept more pets. It’s completely discretionary. We’ve made exceptions to our 2 dog limit before, if they have 3, 4-pound toy yorkies then we have no problem making an exception.

allowing pets in your airbnb - Decide What pets to allowhow many dogs will you accept in your vacation rental

How Big A Dog Should You Allow In Your STR?

We have a limit of a medium sized dog (less than 50lbs). You can of course accept how ever large a dog you feel comfortable with. You may also want to check your home owners insurance policy, I’ve heard of some policies have a limit on size and bread that would be covered.

How Much To Charge For The Pet

We charge a flat fee of $120 per pet. When they book through VRBO they can only add the pet fee for one pet, if there’s more than one we send them the payment request for the additional pet.

Sometimes we waive the additional pet fees – it’s all adjustable. Let’s say the guest with 3, 4 pound toy yorkies, if they’re only staying for a 3 day weekend we don’t see a reason to charge them $360 for the 3 doggies. Instead we charge what we think feels fair.

How To Vet The Pet

We have the guest sign a pet waiver and we ask them for a picture of the fur baby/fur babies. Between those two, it gives you a good idea of what you’re getting into and gives the guest an idea of what they are getting into as well.

Use A Pet Waiver

The pet waiver basically goes over what we expect from them and their pets. We have them sign it to give them a sense of responsibility and it forces them to acknowledge what we are expecting.

Things like:

  • No pets on the beds or furniture
  • They need flee treatment
  • Pets can not be left in the house alone unattended
  • Pets can not be left alone in the pool enclosure
  • If we need to treat for flees they are willing to pay for the treatment
  • we require a grooming prior to arrival
  • Pets need to be on a leash at all times when outside

It also has a few fields for them to fill out, name, size, bread and weight. We make note of the pet’s name, and use it when we recommend pet friendly activities in the area. 😉

Ask For A Fur Baby Picture

There’s a couple of reasons for the pictures.

First, people love sharing pictures of their fur baby – it builds rapport with the guest.

Second, it gives us an idea of what the dog looks like. If the dog has long hair or looks bigger than we’re comfortable with, or if the dog looks like it may be too aggressive we express our concern to the guest and they’ll either cancel or assure us that they won’t be a problem.

Either way, it makes sure your concern is addressed.

should you accept pets in your vacation rental - ask for a picture of the pet

What You Need To Change To Be A Pet-Friendly STR

We haven’t changed anything at the vacation rentals to make them pet-friendly. I know some STRs have dog beds, dog bowls, doggie bags, treats, etc…

We felt many of those things are preference based so we left it alone. What we do do is send them information on pet-friendly places, like restaurants, also the closest animal hospital, and closest groomer. We also tell them the HOA rules, like picking up after their dog and that the dog should always be on a leash when outside.

There You Have It

That’s basically everything we do, now that we allow pets in our vacation rentals.

Are you already accepting pets in your Airbnb? If not, are you thinking of allowing pets in your vacation rental?

How’s your experience been hosting pet-friendly stays?

Is there something you would do different?

Maybe there’s something I didn’t cover?

Let me know in the comments, I’d love to know.

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allowing pets in your vacation rental - Should you allow pets in your vacation rental

Best Airbnb Sheets and Towels: Linen Tips

Best Airbnb Sheets and Towels: Linen Tips

Best Airbnb Sheets And Towels Linen Tips

Why Having The Best Airbnb Sheets And Towels Is So Important

Having the best Airbnb sheets and towels has a huge affect on your guests’ perception. The guests’ perception is everything, and poor quality, or even worse dirty or stained linens, can very easily steer the guests’ perception in the wrong direction, leading to a bad review.

And on the flip side, white fluffy, clean sheets and towels will absolutely play a key roll in you getting a glowing 5 star review. ⭐

It goes without saying that keeping your Airbnb clean is VITAL to the success of your short term vacation rental. A bad review that says your Airbnb was dirty and it will impact future bookings.

While you of course need to keep the entire place is clean, nothing grosses out someone more than dirty sheets or dirty towels. Your sheets and towels need to look, feel and smell clean.  Anything less and you open yourself up to a bad review.

In this post I’ll list all the linen tips I could think of – from how we store linesn, to which ones to use, to how many to have available to guests, to how many to have as backups… everything I could think of.

If I miss anything please leave a comment and I’ll make sure to add it to the list. 😉


Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. If you decide to purchase any of these products, we earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. We recommend these products only because we have experience with them and use them for our own business. As Amazon Associates we earn from qualifying purchases.

What color towels and sheets for Airbnb?

Lets start with an easy one. What color should your Airbnb sheets and towels be? All your sheets and towels should be White.

I can see why someone would think non-white linens would hide stains more. Although that’s technically true, a non-white linens don’t give a clean first impression… even if they are brand new towels!

If I imagine myself walking into the bathroom of an Airbnb I rented, and see a set of dark brown towels hanging on the towel rack.

My initial reaction WILL NOT be oh good, since I can’t SEE the stains these towels must be clean.

Instead I’d be thinking OMG, what on earth are they trying to hide on these towels!

When it comes to the color of towels and sheets, copy the hotels.

Think about it, every hotel out there uses white sheets and towels. They’ve been providing guests linens for a looong time and do all types of studies to see what works the best and what doesn’t.

If they provide white linens, then you should probably do the same.

How many towels should you leave for Airbnb guests?

Bathroom Towels

We leave a complete towel set out for each guest. A set includes a bath towel, hand towel, and a wash cloth.

We also leave a small black makeup towel in each bathroom.

Keeping in mind that our Airbnb has a washer and a dryer, and we provide laundry pods making it easy for our guests to wash towels as often as they want during their stay.

If you don’t have a washer and dryer, you may need to provide extra towels to make sure your guests are happy.


Tip:  To keep your towels from getting makeup stains either provide small black makeup towels or provide makeup wipes.

Check out 7 Tips For Keeping Vacation Rental Linens Beautiful for more vacation rental linen tips! 

Pool Towels

With pool towels we leave out 1 per bedroom. Initially we provided a pool towel per max guest but that was an insane amount of towels (20) to wash after each stay.

Our cleaners suggested leaving out 1 per bedroom since, most of the time not everyone goes into the pool and even if they do they can share a pool towel. The rules for pool towels aren’t the same as a bath towel.

It made sense to us, so we tried it out and we’ve been doing that for about 2 years now without a single person saying anything about the towels, and a steady stream of 5 star reviews. ⭐😁

The Best Towels To Get For An Airbnb

Bed Sheets

The bed sheets that we LOVE are from Kirkland. They are the Kirkland Signature 680 Thread Count Sheet Set. In our opinion, they are the best sheets for Airbnb.

Unfortunately, it seems Costco is phasing out their bed sheets so we’ll be looking for a new brand once our backups run out. 🙁

As far as towels go, below are the best towels for Airbnb. 


Bath Towels

You want a good sized bath towel that is soft, fluffy and of course white. This is the bath towel we use.


Hand Towels

Hand towels are the middle towels, smaller than the bath towel and larger than a wash cloth. This is the hand towel we use


Wash Clothes

Wash clothes are the smallest towels. This is the wash cloth we use.


Makeup Towels

I’d definitely recommend having either makeup towels or makeup wipes, otherwise your sheets and white towels will get frequent makeup stains.

We’ve use makeup towels initially, then tried providing make-up wipes and now we’re back to using makeup towels.

Here are links to the makeup towels we use as well as the makeup wipes we used to use.

We switched back to makeup towels because it seemed we were going through makeup wipes way too fast, it was more cost than it was worth. Makeup towels work just as well, and don’t disappear. 😉

Bath Mats

Probably techniquely not in the linens category, but hey, bath mats do kinda sorta look like thick towels. 🙂

We now use these bath mats instead of bathroom rugs.  The bathroom rugs were always a problem.

They were a pain to throw in the wash because they took forever to dry.

They were also bleach magnets for some reason. We were replacing them pretty frequently because of bleach marks.

We have the cleaners roll them up and place them either inside the shower stall, in front of the front door or for a bath at then end of the bath tub.

How many sets of sheets per bed for Airbnb?

We don’t leave out any spare sheets for the guests to use, only the sheets on the beds are available to the guests.

We do keep spares sheets in the linen closets. We have a second spare set of sheets for every bed plus a few extra.

That way if something happens where the washing machine breaks down, or the cleaners are late and don’t have time to wash all the sheets during a turn over they can take the dirty ones with them to clean off-site and swap out the sheets with the spares.

I’ve seen some posts suggest keeping 2 -3 spares for each bed. Personally, I think that’s too much, just because of the amount of space you’ll need to store them.

In the 8 bedroom there are 6 kings, 4 twins and 2 fulls. If we has 3 spares for each bed that would be 36 spares!

We have a very large linen closet, but even with a large linen closet 36 spares would take a huge amount of space. Stick to a spare per bed and a few extra, and replenish when the cleaners tell you they used a spare and you’ll be fine.

What is the best way to organize sheets?

We have a whole post on this topic, 5 Tips for Organizing Your Vacation Rental Linens. It really depends how much space you have available to you. Convert a hallway or bathroom closet into a linen closet by adding a lock on the door, the guests don’t use those closets anyway. 😉

The article has more details on this, but wherever you keep your spare linens should be systemized in some way. Bins and labels are super helpful. The more systemized your linens are the easier it will be for your cleaners to do what they have to do.

5 Tips for Organizing Your Vacation Rental Linens

How often should you replace sheets on Airbnb?

This is a pretty open ended question. There are a ton of factors involved but the quality of your sheets (and the quality of your guests) have a huge impact on your sheets’ longevity. 

We use high-end sheets in our vacation rentals, and I’d say they last at least a couple of years. Of course once and a while you get a stain on a sheet that just does not come out and that cuts the sheets’ lifespan short, but barring stubborn stains they can last a couple of years.

The quality of the short term rental linen you provide will have a direct impact on how frequently have have to replace them.

How do I arrange my towels on Airbnb?

Great question!

First, we always have towels on all the towel racks, Walking into a bathroom with empty towel racks feels a little bare, and unfinished.

When the towel racks have towels on them it’s just more inviting and cozy…. at least that’s how we look at it. 

How To Fold Towels For Airbnb

The cleaners make these nice designs using a set of bathroom towels,  the bath, towel, hand towel and a wash cloth.

If your cleaner can’t make the designs, simply layering them one on top of the other looks nice too. At least we think it looks better than an empty towel rack.

Since we don’t have enough towel racks for all the towels we need to add the remainder of the towels somewhere.

That somewhere has changed for us over the years.

Towel Designs For Towels On The Rack

How We Used To Do It

When we first started, we placed a folded set of towels on the foot of each bed per person. We did that for a long time, basically until we started renting out an 8 bedroom a couple of years ago- that’s when we simplified even more.

 In the 8 bedroom a towel set per person and the towels on all the towel racks was about 26 sets of bathroom towels and a pool towel per person was another 20 pool towels! That was waaaay too many towels for the cleaners to handle on top of the sheets during a turn over.

The way we currently do our towels was an idea from our cleaners.

How We Do Pool Towels Now

The cleaners suggested that we reduce the number of pool towels from 20 to 8 (1 per bedroom). Usually not every person in a group uses the pool, and even if they do, sharing a pool towel isn’t the same as sharing a bath towel, it’s more acceptable.

We place the pool towels rolled up in a couple of baskets by the sliding door that leads to the pool area,

How We Do Bath Towels Now

For the bath towels we still keep the sets on the towel racks, and no longer place towel sets on the beds. We have a towel set per person (20), but instead of having them on the beds we place the sets in one bathroom closet and added a sign indicating where the additional towels can be found.

That reduced the amount of wash cycles tremendously. We went from 20 pool towels to 8 pool towels and from 26 sets of bathroom towels to 20 sets of bathroom towels.

An added bonus to keeping the bathroom towels in a closet is there is less chance of them using the towels unless they really need to.

If there are only 10 people staying at the house then they will most likely only use 10 sets of towels.

When we left them out on the beds pretty much all of them got used regardless of how many people were at the house.

Bathroom Towels In The Closet

How We Do Bath Mats Now

We have the cleaners roll them up and place them either inside the shower stall, in front of the front door or for a bath at then end of the bath tub.

The Bath Mat rolled up in front of the shower door

How often should you replace sheets on Airbnb?

This is a pretty open ended question. There are a ton of factors involved but the quality of your sheets (and the quality of your guests) have a huge impact on your sheets’ longevity. 

We use high-end sheets and I’d say they last a couple of years. Of course once and a while you get a stain on a sheet that just does not come out and that cuts the sheets’ lifespan short, but barring stubborn stains, a couple of years is the typical lifespan.

What Do You Do With Stained Airbnb Sheets and Towels?

We keep a red laundry bag in the linen closet where the cleaners place the towels or sheets that are stained or ripped.

It’s a great way to keep track of your linens and you can have someone take a look at the linens to see if any can be saved.

The Bath Mat rolled up in front of the shower door

Should I Throw Out The Stained Airbnb Sheets and Towels?

It really bugged us throwing out so many towels, sometimes because there was a super tiny stubborn makeup stain.

We thought of donating them to the local Salvation Army, but they can sometimes be picky about what they accept.

So what do we do with out old Airbnb bed sheets and towels? 

Sandy came up with the idea of donating them to the local pet shelter.

The animal shelter can really use them and they don’t care that they are short term rental linens, or if there they are torn or have a makeup stain on them.

donate old towels to a local pet shelter - doggie in a blanket

Was that helpful? Did you have a question I didn’t cover?

Did I miss something in this post? Was there something you want to know about Airbnb Sheets and Towels that I didn’t go over?

Let me know in the comments and I’ll make sure to answer it. 🙂

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Best Airbnb Sheets and Towels: Linen Tips

Using VRBO Market Maker To Increase Bookings

Using VRBO Market Maker To Increase Bookings

Using VRBO Market Maker To Increase Bookings

First let me say I was never really a fan of market maker. I tried it a few times but I guess I never really got the jist of it. I also noticed that the pricing tool found in market maker was always out of wack.

So for years I never really paid attention to market maker… until our VRBO account manager used market maker to show us how to read the VRBO tea leaves so to speak.

After that I felt I needed to share this little tidbit of VRBO gold. It’s now our go to when we need to determine where we should do when we have openings in our calendar.

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. If you decide to purchase any of these products, we earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. We recommend these products only because we have experience with them and use them for our own business. As Amazon Associates we earn from qualifying purchases.

First Check This Before Market Maker

Do yourself a favor and make sure your minimum stay for those dates is what you expect it to be.

Sadly, it’s happened to us before. We had a month were we weren’t getting bookings and it just seemed weird.

When we looked at the minimum stay for that month it was way higher than what we normally have. Not sure if it was a goof on our part or a glitch in the matrix, but either way the minimum stay was different… it was very different.

In fact it was way too long. Once we lowered the minimum stay bookings for that month started coming in.

If you don’t see anything unusual then it may be market maker time!

What is VRBO Market Maker

Market Maker is a tool that VRBO came out with several years ago to provide hosts insights into their listing’s performance.

It gives you a comp set, percentage of booked vs. projected booked properties, the booked rates vs. unbooked rates, and the search volume compared to a year ago.

Market Maker came out at about the same time VRBO came up with boosts.

Boosts are like VRBO points you accrue from past VRBO bookings. You can apply the boosts to the dates you’d like to increase your search ranking for.

How To Use VRBO Market Maker To Increase Bookings

There are probably way more Market Maker strategies than what I’m about to go over, but this is what we learned and now use.

If you use Market Maker in a different way let me know in the comments below!!

I’ll be focusing on using Market Maker as a tool to determine where your available dates currently stand in the market place.

We’ll use the three toggles located on the left of the Market Maker graph, Market Rates, Searches for your market, and Occupancy.

How To Use Market Maker To Increase Bookings

Tip:  We do use Market Maker to get insights into what is going on with our open dates.

BUT WE DO NOT RECOMMEND using VRBO’s Smart Pricing. Instead use a pricing tool like Beyond Pricing.

Check out this post for more info on Setting Up Beyond Pricing,

The Market Maker Layout

On the left of the graph are the toggles along with the respective legend for each. We’ll go over each of the toggles and what they do in more detail in the following sections.

Above the graph are a bunch of rows of data. The first row of course is the date.

The row under the dates shows the status of those dates. In our example below you can see that June 24 – July 1 is open. Open dates show as white space, VRBO bookings are green and say reserved and non-VRBO bookings are red and say Booked.

Under the status row is your current rate.

And finally the last row above the graph is your current search position for each date. I believe when you see a green little arrow on top of the search position, it means you’ve applied boosts to that date to increase your search ranking for that date.

How To Use Market Maker To Increase Bookings - Market Rates

Now that you know the lay of the Market Maker land, lets go over how we use it!

1 – Market Rates

The Market Rates toggle is the first toggle displayed. This graph displays your rates compared to the booked and unbooked rates for properties in your comp set.

Below is what our graph looked like. We’re looking at the June 24  – Jul 1 dates. Looking at this graph you can see that our nightly rate is way higher than the avg. booked and avg. unbooked rates.

In this case, that’s okay, if you look at our rates for the dates that are booked we were way higher for those too.

This data point alone isn’t enough to make a decision, but it does tell us we are priced higher than our competition. 

Tip:  When using the toggles it’s much easier to read the graphs if only one toggle is on at a time.

How To Use Market Maker To Increase Bookings - Market Rates

2 – Searches For Your Market

On to the second toggle, Searches for your market. This will show you how many searches were done for those dates in your market this year compared to last year.

What a huge difference! Ours has half the amount of search volume compared to the same time last year. Wowza! 

Now we know that we’re prices higher than our comp set, and there are half as many people looking for those dates compared to the year before.

Let’s take a look at the next toggle’s data.

How To Use Market Maker To Increase Bookings - Searches for your market

3 – Occupancy

The final toggle displays occupancy. The two data points are Current Occupancy and Forecasted Occupancy.

Looks like VRBO thinks each of our available dates have roughly 10% more bookings coming. Subtracting the current occupancy from the forecasted occupancy, gives us more or less 10%.

How To Use Market Maker To Increase Bookings - Occupancy

The Picture Market Maker Created For Us

Based on the three toggles we learned:


  1. We are priced higher than our comp set
  2. There are roughly half as many searches for those dates this year compared to last year
  3. VRBO expects about 10% more bookings for those dates.

Now, everyone is different, but for me when I see that I’m priced waaaay higher than my comp set, there is almost half the amount of search volume compared to the same time last year, AND VRBO only expects another 10% of the properties to be booked for those dates, the picture it paints tells me I need to change something if I want to be in that 10% of those additional booked properties.


Okay, Now What Do We Do?

Sometimes the data is all you need to make a decision, other times it just make you say now what?! The data can clearly spell out that we need to change something, in our case that’s what the data definitely told us. Well great, we know we need to do something…. but what?

The answer to that question can be paralyzing.

But there are always things you can do, and sometimes simply spelling them out is all you need to help you figure out the next step.

 Here’s some of the possible next steps for us:

1 – We could do nothing and see if you get booked at our current rate, it happens all the time but based on the search volume and forecasted occupancy, that seems like a large gamble at this point.

2 – We could leave the rates as is and do some marketing to see if we can find a new guest interested in booking those dates at our price.

3 – We could leave the rates where they’re at and offer a discount to past guests, maybe someone would be interested in booking those dates at a percentage discount.

4 – We could lower the price closer to our competitors’ price point to make it more appealing to VRBO users.

5 – We could lower the price AND market the house and pull a new guest to our property.


Final Thoughts

I hope this was insightful for your vacation rental business! Our data was pretty clearly telling us that something needs to be changed to get those dates booked.

Using the three data points this way allows you to see what you need to change. Each one individually doesn’t give enough data to make a decision, but together they paint a pretty clear picture of where your listing stands.

We used Market Maker to see what was going on with a gap in our calendar, you could also use it to determine rates for future months.

Using the three data points to figure out where time frames you can raise rates or lower them and promote.

For the future dates however, we would definitely recommend using a pricing tool instead. It takes a lot of the burden off your shoulders and will get your higher rates than you would probably set on your own. 

We use Beyond Pricing, but you can use any of them really and they will probably be better than you setting the prices manually.

Check out this post for more info on Setting Up Beyond Pricing,

Was that helpful? What do you do differently?

Are you going to use Market Maker to make decisions on your available dates? What would you do different?

I’d love to know! Leave your thoughts in your comments below. 🙂

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Using VRBO Market Maker To Increase Bookings

How To Book Your Orphaned Nights

How To Book Your Orphaned Nights

Airbnb Hosts: How To Book Your Orphaned Nights

Would you like to know how to book your orphaned nights? Great! We’ll go over it in this post, but first let’s go over what an orphaned night is. There are a couple of other terms used for them.

We call them orphaned nights, but I’ve also seen them called orphaned days, gap days, unbookable days, orphan gaps, small gap days and booking gaps.

In short, orphans are the available days between your bookings that are less than your minimum stay.

Let’s say you have a minimum stay on your vacation rental calendar set to 5 days. That means any gaps in your calendar that are less than that number of days will not be available for someone to book.

There are a couple of ways you can get those days booked while minimizing your risks. Let’s cover what suggestions others offer and what we do with our orphaned nights.

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. If you decide to purchase any of these products, we earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. We recommend these products only because we have experience with them and use them for our own business. As Amazon Associates we earn from qualifying purchases.

What Others Recommend For Orphaned Nights

There are many sites out there that recommend lowering the minimum night stay as the orphaned nights get closer.

Which we agree with… to a point.

If your minimum is 5 days and as it gets closer you lower your minimum to 3 days, that is a really good strategy.

The problem is they go so far as to recommend lowering your minimum to 1 night. That we DO NOT agree with!!

Lowering the minimum stay to 1 night opens you up to parties. If you’ve been in the VR business for a bit, you know parties are something you want to stay clear of at all costs. A vacant night is way better than a destroyed property.

stay clear of 1 night bookings

What We Do With Orphaned Nights

Here’s the strategy we use for our orphaned nights. We think the best people to rent the orphaned dates to are the guests that we have already vetted.

 The guests most likely to want to book those days are the guests staying before and after the orphaned dates!

 Ask them if they would like to extend their stay at a discount. 

We keep a 2 or 3 night minimum through the year and when there are gaps of 1 or two nights we offer them at a discount to the guests on either side of the available dates.

This strategy increases your income without adding any additional risk.

Another thing you could do is send a message to past guests offering the orphaned dates at a discount. You may have past guests interested in a short getaway at a discount. Past guests that you already had a positive experience with are also in the no risk pool in our eyes.

When To Offer The Orphaned Night Discount

We offer them the discounted nights as soon as we see them and we received everything we need from them (things like drivers license and rental agreement).

That way it gives them enough time to change flights, rearrange their schedule, get more time off from work, etc…

How Much Of A Discount?

To determine the discount we look at the rates for those dates and determine a rate that would feel like a discount compared to what is listed. It makes sense to offer them a rate that will get them to book, heck it’s all free money anyway – if they don’t book the dates then you get $0. 🙂


Now Go Out There And Book Those Orphaned Nights!

Our goal as vacation rental owners is to increase the  income… but you don’t want to do that at the risk of ruining your property.

Offering the nights to the guests on either side of the gap or to past guests increase your chances of safely booking those nights.

If you’d like some other ideas on how you can increase your vacation rental income, check out this post:

5 Ways To Increase Short Term Rental Income Today 


5 Ways To Increase Your Short Term Rental Income Today - Book Orphaned Days

Was that helpful? What do you do differently?

Are you going to try this method to fill in the small gaps in your calendar? What are you doing for the small gaps currently?

Let me know in you the comments below!!

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Airbnb Hosts: How To Book Your Orphaned Nights

Setting Up Beyond Pricing

Setting Up Beyond Pricing

Setup Beyond pricing for more income with title

We’ve been using Beyond Pricing for about a year and a half and it has been a game changer for us. Before going to Beyond Pricing we also looked at Wheelhouse and Pricinglabs.

All of the pricing tools basically do the same thing, but for different platforms. At the time we were looking at pricing tools, Beyond Pricing was the only option for our scenario and it has been fantastic!

Wheelhouse, Pricelabs and Beyond Pricing integrate with Airbnb but only Beyond Pricing integrates with VRBO. Since just about all our OTA bookings come from VRBO, Beyond Pricing was the only choice for us.

In this post I’ll go over setting up your listings with Beyond Pricing. We highly recommend using Beyond Pricing for dynamic pricing, but if for some reason you don’t want to use BP, please do yourself a favor and use another dynamic pricing tool.

An automatic pricing tool is a must. Not using one will cost you thousands in additional income.  

I would not recommend using the built-in tools for either VRBO or Airbnb. They have never been that great for us. VRBO’s Market Maker does give you a lot of data, but it just doesn’t compare to using a 3rd party dynamic pricing tool.

If you’ve already setup a Beyond Pricing account then you can skip to Step 3, that’s where we’ll go over setting up the pricing.


Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. If you decide to purchase any of these products, we earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. We recommend these products only because we have experience with them and use them for our own business. As Amazon Associates we earn from qualifying purchases.

Step 1 – Create a BP account

Creating A Beyond Pricing account is fairly straight forward. Click the button below to go to the Beyond Pricing website and click the Get Started Button on the upper right of the page.

Beyond Pricing Getting Started

Like I said, this part is pretty straight forward and Beyond Pricing does a good job of guiding you through the process.

Step 2 – Login and Link your Listings

This is also a pretty straight forward process. Simply login to your Beyond Pricing account and BP will guide you through connecting a listing to BP.

If you aren’t prompted, you can click the button below to bring you to the page where you can connect your Listing.

Connect Your Listing To Beyond Pricing

On that page, click the listing you’d like to link to Beyond Pricing and you’ll be guided through the process.

Step 3 – The Meat And Potatoes – Setting Up Rates

This is where the good stuff starts. There are a bunch of settings you can adjust once you are comfortable using BP, but to get started there are four things you’ll need to figure out.

1- Minimum Price – What is the lowest price you’re willing to accept per night

2- Base Price – What is your average rate

3- Your booking window – How far ahead do you allow guests to book. Too far out and you may be missing out on getting a higher rate per night and too close and you’ll end up with more unbooked dates then you’d care for.

3- Your booking sweet spot – How far ahead would you like to have your calendar full. This is what we used to figure out our initial base rate.


The Minimum Price

This one isn’t too hard for most vacation rental hosts to come up with. The minimum price is your line in the sand that you are not willing to cross per night.

What number are you not willing to go below? That is your minimum price. You can do what we did at first, pad it a little to see what nightly rates BP generates for you.

You’ll most likely see the minimum price used in the shoulder months.

You’ll also see it used on the weekday rates if your property is in an area that’s primarily weekend bookings during the off-season.

The Base Price

This number is a whole lot trickier to come up with. In fact, I think this is the number that causes many to shy away from pulling the trigger on setting up dynamic pricing for their listing.

It feels daunting at first but don’t worry, none of this is set in stone. You can change this number as much or as little as you want.

The important thing is to pick a number, then you can adjust it later.

I’ll go over how we figured out our base price in the following section, but first I’d like to go over what the booking window is and the reasoning behind it.

If you can’t wait to see how we came up with our base price, you can skip to that section now.

The Booking Window

Beyond Pricing is able to set your listing’s pricing up to a year out.

I’ve heard many gurus recommend setting a 90-day booking window. Meaning guests will only be able to book their stay 90 days or less from check-in.

In fact, Beyond Pricing provides a rating of how well your property is performing based on that 90 day window. The more bookings you have further than 90 days away the lower your BP score will be.

The logic behind a smaller window is simple. There is a higher probability that many more houses are available for booking 6 months or a year out compared to 90 days out.

As the inventory of available houses dwindles the price for each house that is still available can be increased, based on supply and demand.

The theory sounds great, but we don’t subscribe to it. We personally set our booking window to a year out. The max that BP can set pricing for.

Here’s Why

We look at it a little differently. Of course, we want to maximize income but we’d also like to attract better guests.

In our experience, guests that plan out their vacations 6 -12 months ahead of time are more responsible and happier guests. Of course, there are exceptions but in our experience, that has been the case.

So, we’d rather get a booking from what is usually a more responsible guest, 6 – 12 months out rather than a guest that books 3 days before arrival which have a tendency of not being as responsible.

For us, it’s a balance of maximizing income and having great, responsible guests. Just make sure the prices you have that far out are high enough that you’ll be happy with the amount should you get a booking further out.

The Booking Sweet Spot

The way Beyond Pricing looks at it, to maximize your income, you should have openings less than 30 days away.

We don’t agree with that.

Actually, we do agree, in that it’ll maximize your nightly rate. But, there’s another ingredient to the booking sweet spot recipe that needs to be added.

Don’t get me wrong, We’re okay with getting a last-minute booking once and a while. However, if that was the norm, we feel we’d start getting the less than attractive guests (less responsible, more demanding, etc).

The sweet spot for us is 100% booked right around when the 30-day window starts. It won’t always be booked 100% 30 days out, but it’s what we aim for.

With that in mind here’s how we figured out our base rate.

Let’s Set Some Rates

Once you know your booking sweet spot, you can easily set your base price.

In our example we figured out we wanted our property to be 100% booked about 30 days out. That was our ideal situation.

So, when it came time to have BP set our rates for us (without breaking everything) we adjusted the base price until the rate BP sets at the 30 day window was similar to what our current, non-beyond pricing rates are.

Since the new beyond pricing rates for our booking window were similar to the rates we set before beyond pricing, it allowed us to start using beyond pricing without freaking out about the base price we chose.

We left it like that for a couple of weeks and then we steadily raised our base price.

That is how we got started with Beyond Pricing.

Setting the beyond pricing rates to match our existing rates in the booking window was like our training wheels for using their service. 

It’s funny, now that I have been using beyond pricing for well over a year, I don’t see what the big deal is. When we were first doing this though, we were really worried about doing the wrong thing.

I’m here to tell you, don’t worry about it. Just choose your base price and you can always change later.


How Often You Need To Update Rates

Again, this is something you can play with as much or as little as you want. Some people just love tinkering with the numbers constantly to find what works best.

Others are more of a set it and forget it approach.

We’re between the two, but lean toward the set it and forget it camp. For the most part we leave our rates alone and we use our booking window as our guide.

If we’re 100% booked before the booking window that tells us we need to raise our rates. If we feel there are an increasing number of days that are unbooked well within our booking sweet spot, then maybe we’d lower our rates.

With the unbooked dates in our booking sweet spot we manually override the prices for those dates and offer a discount.

We may have lowered our rates in the beginning because we were still nervous about the base number we chose. Once we got comfortable with the process we’ve only been raising rates. 🙂

As you start using Beyond Pricing you’ll have your own way of doing things, but the important thing is to start using a pricing tool.

You’re Done! Now get ready for more income!

I hope you found this post useful and that it motivates you to get started with Beyond Pricing! Seriously, no matter what size property you have, you will literally increase your income by the thousands of dollars. It has totally changed our business and I hope it does the same for you.

If you’re looking for other things you can do to increase your income, check out this post:

5 Ways To Increase Short Term Rental Income Today



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Setting up Beyond Pricing will dramatically increase the income your vacation rental business is producing. Whether you have listings on VRBO, airbnb, you'll be able to use Beyond Pricing to set your pricing. This post will go through how to set your price points.

The Right Way To Sync Short Term Rental Calendars

The Right Way To Sync Short Term Rental Calendars

The Right Way To Sync Short Term Rental Calendars

If your vacation rental property is only listed on one OTA then syncing calendars isn’t a problem for you… yet.

Eventually, you’ll probably want to list your property on more OTAs. After all, the more fishing lines you have in the water, the more chances you have of catching a fish. 🙂

Once you do list on more than one OTA, syncing calendars becomes really important.

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. If you decide to purchase any of these products, we earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. We recommend these products only because we have experience with them and use them for our own business. As Amazon Associates we earn from qualifying purchases.

Why Do You Need To Sync Your Vacation Rental Calendars?

Well, you don’t… unless you have your property listed on more than one OTA.

If your property is listed on more than one OTA then the main reason for syncing calendars is to prevent double bookings.

Unless you sync calendars between the OTAs, one OTA doesn’t know what the other is doing.

Let’s say you’re listed on VRBO and Airbnb and you’re not syncing calendars between them.

Woohoo! You just got a booking on VRBO for July 4th, unfortunately, Airbnb has no idea that your July 4th is booked on VRBO so it still shows that holiday as available on Airbnb.

Without syncing the calendars there is a chance that Airbnb would also book July 4th for you, and THAT WOULD BE A PROBLEM!

Syncing your calendars will significantly reduce the chances of that happening.

How We Initially Kept Track Of Bookings – The Wrong Way

We started on VRBO (back then it was HomeAway) and after a few months, we added the property to Airbnb. Somewhere along the line, it occurred to me that Airbnb had no idea about the VRBO bookings and I found a way to import the VRBO calendar on Airbnb. Basically, I started using my VRBO calendar as a master calendar.

When I got an Airbnb booking I blocked the dates on the VRBO calendar manually.

As time passed I listed the property on other OTAs (Flipkey, GlampingHub to name a few), with the same setup. I imported the VRBO calendar on the OTA sites and would manually block the dates on the VRBO calendar when they came in from the other OTAs.

We did this for a looong time and it worked, but it relied on us remembering and manually blocking dates on the VRBO calendar.

If only I knew I could have done a little more legwork and I would no longer have to manually block the non-VRBO bookings on the calendar. 

The Right Way To Sync Short Term Rental Calendars

If you’re using a management site to manage your listings then this info probably doesn’t apply to you. The management site will probably be your master calendar and you’ll sync your OTA calendars to it.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about and you have your property listed on more than one OTA then this info is for you.

Basically, what you’ll be doing is copying the calendar export URL (aka ics file or ical file) from one OTA and pasting it into the import area of all the other OTAs.

What’s an ICS or iCal File?

The export link is a URL to an ics or ical file. The ics file is a text file formatted in a special way that lists the dates that OTA has booked for your property.

Whenever OTA #1 has a booking or cancellation it will update it’s file with the booking changes.

When you paste OTA #1’s export URL in the import area of OTA #2, OTA #2 will periodically check the URL for changes.

Every site automatically checks for changes to the calendar file. Once you give it the URL to check the file it handles the rest.


An Example Syncing With Two OTA Listings

If you’re listed on two OTAs, let’s say VRBO and Airbnb. It’s pretty simple: 


To sync VRBO and Airbnb Calendars

To sync VRBO and Airbnb Calendars, this is all you need to do.

Open both listings in different browser tabs then:

  1. Copy the calendar export URL from VRBO and paste it into the import calendar area on Airbnb
  2. Copy the calendar export URL from Airbnb and paste it into the import calendar area on VRBO

With step 1 completed, VRBO will let Airbnb know about changes it has.

With step 2, Airbnb will let VRBO know about its changes.

That’s it you’re done. They both now know about each other’s calendars!

An Example Syncing With Four OTA Listings

The more OTAs you have your property listed on, the more complcated it gets.

If you’re listed on four OTAs it gets easier to lose track, let’s say you use VRBO, Airbnb, Flipkey and Glampinghub.

Here’s a graphical representation of what syncing those calendars correctly looks like.

Now I know that diagram looks like craziness. The point is, each OTA needs to know about every other OTA calendar.

Sync Multiple Vacation Rental Calendars

Setting this up can be confusing, mostly because you can easily lose track of which you did last.

But once it’s done, you won’t have to think about this again.

At the end I’ll have tips on how to keep track of everything while you’re going through it… and don’t worry it’ll be easier than trying to figure out that picture. 🙂

Finding The Calendar Export Link

Any site that accepts bookings usually also has a way to export their calendar and import other OTA calendars. It’s usually on the page where you find the calendar for that OTA.

The import and export sections will most likely be in the same general calendar area.

Below are directions for finding the VRBO and Airbnb Import/Export options but for other OTAs you should be able to find similar options on the calendar page.

If not, you can reach out to their support or do a search in their help area for “sync calendar”.

Where To Find The VRBO Calendar Export URL

The VRBO import and export area is pretty easy to find.

Click Calendars, then Reservations on the Main Menu. That’ll bring you to the calendar page.

Click the Import/Export option located above the calendar.


Syncing Vacation Rental Calendars From Different OTAs - Finding The VRBO Calendar
Syncing Vacation Rental Calendars From Different OTAs - Finding The VRBO Calendar Import Export
Syncing Vacation Rental Calendars From Different OTAs - Finding The VRBO Calendar Import Export dialog

When you click Import/Export you’ll get a dialog where you can select Import calendar or Export calendar.

Clicking Export calendar gives you a link to the VRBO calendar URL.  You’ll paste that URL into the import calendar of all the other OTAs.

Import calendar is where you click to add the calendar URLS of the other OTAs.

All you need to do is paste the other OTAs calendar URL and give it a name. Easy Peasy.

Where To Find The Airbnb Calendar Export URL

Airbnb’s Import/Export is a little trickier to find.

Click on Listing on the menu bar.

Syncing Vacation Rental Calendars From Different OTAs - Finding The VRBO Calendar Import Export dialog

Click on the listing that you want to sync

Click on Availability on the Listing’s Menu

Syncing Vacation Rental Calendars From Different OTAs - Finding The Airbnb Calendar

Scroll to the bottom and you’ll see a Sync Calendars section with two options Import Calendar and Export Calendar

Syncing Vacation Rental Calendars From Different OTAs - Finding The Airbnb Calendar

Import Calendar is where you’ll go to add other OTA calendar URLs to Airbnb

Export Calendar is the URL to Airbnb’s calendar file. That’s the URL you’ll add to the other OTA’s Import Calendar section.

How To Keep Track Of Everything

If you have more than 2 listings, the biggest gotcha is trying to keep track of what you added where. So here’s a simple way to keep track of it along with a process to methodically go through it.

Let’s start by opening either excel or Google Sheets (which is free).

1 – Make A List Of Your OTA Sites

First start by listing the name of every OTA you have your property listed on.

For my example I have 5 OTAs – VRBO, Airbnb, Flipkey, GlampingHub, and Houfy.

(Imagine what that syncing diagram would look like) lol


Syncing Vacation Rental Calendars From Different OTAs - Keeping Track - List The OTAs

2 – Add The Export Calendar URL For Each

Now Get the export calendar URL for each and put it into column B.

Syncing Vacation Rental Calendars From Different OTAs - Keeping Track - Add the Calendar Export URL

3 – Import Each Calendar URL To All OTAs

You now have a complete list of the Calendar Export URLs for all your OTAs.

The next step is to add the Export URLs into each of the OTAs import calendar section.

The best way to go through this process is in order.

In my example I would start with vrbo.

I’d go to the import calendar section of vrbo and paste the URL for airbnb, flipkey, glampinghub and houfy in it.

Then I would go to the import calendar section of airbnb, and paste the URL for vrbo, flipkey, glampinghub and houfy.

And keep going down the list until I was done. Now you have everything syncing with everything else!

Syncing Vacation Rental Calendars From Different OTAs - Keeping Track - Add the Calendar Export URL

Your Calendars Are Now Syncing

Syncing calendars felt a little overwhelming before I start doing it.

But once I understood that each OTA has a calendar export URL and that URL needs to be pasted into all other OTA’s import section it made much more sense.

Then it was just a matter of keeping track of what I was doing.

In this post we went over:

  • what it means to sync your calendars
  • why you should sync calendars
  • how to sync your vacation rental calendars without losing your mind. 😉

Hopefully, this post helped you sync all your calendars.

If there’s something you’re having a problem with or if you have a question I didn’t cover let me know in the comments below!

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The Right Way To Sync Short Term Rental Calendars

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